Viikonloppu meni venetsiassa, Italiassa.
Lähdimme kahdella vuokra-autolla ajamaan kohti venetsiaa, matka sinne kesti muistaakseni noin kolme tuntia. Ranskalaiset olivat vuokranneet sieltä asunnon, jossa yöpyisimme. Lauantaina kävelimme paljon ja kävimme katsomassa erilaisia nähtävyyksiä.
Venetsia illalla. |
Aamu kahveet. Morning coffee. |
Venetsia oli kaunis paikka, mutta siellä oli todella paljon turisteja mukaan lukien me. :D
Weekend went in venice, Italy.
We went there with two rented cars, trip to there was about three hours, if i remember correctly. French guys were rented a house in venice where we were going to sleep. In saturday we walked a lot and we went to see different monuments. At sunday after we give it the house back we went to see monuments by boat, the boat drives people different places.
Venice at evening. |
Venice was beautiful place but there was too much tourists included us. :D
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